The Disability Inclusion Helpdesk is funded under the Disability Inclusive Development Inclusive Futures (DIDIF) programme, a six-year £29.25 million programme funded by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) (2019-2025) which aims to:
Deliver tangible outcome to improve the lives of people with disabilities
Generate a significant and rigorous evidence-based on ‘what works’ to deliver results for people with disabilities
Ensure data and evidence is used by the global community and governments to increase action and investment.
The Helpdesk provides research and advice to FCDO and other UK government departments on disability inclusion in policy, programming, and across FCDO’s five minimum standards on disability inclusion.
SDDirect’s team of in-house experienced researchers work alongside over 80 senior disability inclusion experts with experience across different themes, sectors and geographies to provide advice on disability inclusion in development, education, Fragile Conflict Affected Settings (FCAS) and humanitarian settings.
Further materials are publicly available on the Inclusive Futures website.