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Learning Brief on Femicide in Emergencies

Learning Brief on Femicide in Emergencies
Date published

This report provides a practical overview of femicide in fragile and emergency settings, and the implications for GBViE practitioners. This document articulates how femicide is defined and conceptualized, provides a concise overview of different forms of femicide, and offers practical programmatic recommendations in terms of GBV prevention and response and advocacy. This document comes in the wake of growing global awareness of femicide, due primarily to the ongoing efforts of feminist activists to render this form of violence more visible, protect women and girls at risk, support surviving family members of femicide victims, and hold perpetrators accountable. This paper is intended as a practical and non-exhaustive resource for GBViE actors; links to further reading can be found throughout.

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Femicide in Emergencies Final.pdf 414.66 KB
Type of resource
Learning brief
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