To mark this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the SAFE Programme held a webinar to share learning from its Toose model on the prevention of intimate partner violence (IPV).
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- This resource provides an overview of the Stopping Abuse and Female Exploitation Programme in Zimbabwe.
- This formative research report is useful to understand prevalent gendered social norms in Zimbabwe, the particular experiences of the most at risk women and girls, and the nature of f
- Prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, Trócaire Zimbabwe had rolled out two Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) prevention programmes which use SASA! Faith to prevent VAWG and HIV.
- This report reviews current evidence on Gender-Based Violence against women and girls in Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 pandemic, and around the world.
- Analysis of practice-based data from the Women's Coalition of Zimbabwe. Report analyses date from March to May 2020, during the Covid-19 Crisis in Zimbabwe.
- This evidence synthesis looks at the forms, drivers and consequences of VAWG in Zimbabwe, key intervention models for tackling VAWG in Zimbabwe and the strength of the evidence of effectiveness.