Manjola brings more than 20 years’ experience in formal and non-formal education in developing, conflict, post-conflict and natural disaster-affected countries, in Africa, Asia and Balkans. She is a specialist in education and youth programs with particular reference to gender, girls' education, teacher education, curriculum development and inclusive education. She has extensive experience in management, program support, assessment, program development and implementation, capacity building and M&E. Manjola possesses significant experience working in the Education sector in fragile and conflict affected states. She currently provides senior gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) technical advice and support to PLANE Nigeria and acts as overall SDDirect Technical and GESI Lead for PLANE. She coordinated and manged the gender and inclusive education component for ESSPIN Nigeria for 7 Years. She was an Education Advisor on the Girls Education Fund, a year of which was spent providing support to projects in high risk areas in Afghanistan, Somalia and South Sudan. In the early 2000’s she spent a year in Afghanistan coordinating all the education programmes for the International Rescue Committees activities in both non-formal and formal schools. Manjola brings extensive experience conducting systematic reviews and evaluations of education sector projects for a wide range of donors including UN agencies, USAID and DFID.