Through the Building Equitable Partnerships Initiative, we aim to support the development of more equitable partnerships with the whole range of partners SDDirect and PIUK work with. Our collaboration is inspired by the core values and beliefs of the two organisations about mutual respect, fairness, feminist leadership, and a more equitable balance of power in the international development community. It is an effort to put our existing partnership principles into action.

“International aid needs to be reformed. The power that lies largely in the hands of organisations based in the Global North needs to be shared more equitably with local actors, who often cannot access the same funding and influencing opportunities, and as a result are blocked from leading on development in their own communities.” – Rose Caldwell, CEO Plan International UK and Chair of the Board, Social Development Direct
In the first phase of the initiative, we conducted a literature review, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with a range of participants from PIUK, SDDirect, Plan International country offices and national organisations, and external thought leaders. In the second phase, we developed and piloted a range of partnerships tools, including an added-value case template, partnerships continuum, partnership readiness assessment, and, partnership health check.
Momentum is growing for shifting the power in the global development system. We welcome feedback and engagement on our work, including opportunities for learning and dialogue.
Building Equitable Partnerships Report