SDDirect provided research support on integrating gender as a core component of the voluntary carbon market (VCM). This project was part of the FCDO ASEAN Low Carbon Energy Programme (LCEP), which aims to support ASEAN’s efforts to shift towards low carbon energy through green finance flows and energy efficiency.
What is Integrating a Gender Lens in Voluntary Carbon Markets?
SDDirect co-authored a report on Integrating a Gender Lens in Voluntary Carbon Markets with a team from DT Global and GenderTech Enterprises.
The report looks at the current state of the Voluntary Carbon Market with respect to gender, and how a gender lens should be integrated into the market to ensure that women are safe from harm and can benefit equitably.
SDDirect worked collaboratively with VCM bodies to feed in strategic recommendations on integrating gender within the emerging ‘supra’ VCM governance framework. We completed a desk-based literature review and conducted key stakeholder interviews to produce a report with our recommendations.

Project highlights
Integrating a Gender Lens in Voluntary Carbon Markets - Report

Area of work this relates to