The STAR-Ghana programme (2015-2020) was a voice and empowerment programme that supported civil society to achieve increased accountability and responsiveness of the state. STAR-Ghana was managed by a consortium led by Christian Aid, with Humentum, SDDirect, the Overseas Development Institute and Nkum Associates and funded by Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and the European Union (EU).
The programme was designed to build STAR-Ghana’s effectiveness as a convenor, coordinator, and catalyst of multi-stakeholder action to advance active citizenship, inclusion and accountability. The programme was also committed to continuous learning, harvesting lessons to inform adaptation and improve outcomes for citizens. The Consortium worked closely with the locally based Steering Committee and Programme Management Team as well as donors to establish STAR-Ghana as an autonomous, Ghanaian-owned and led entity in 2019.
SDDirect provided technical advice and support to institutional strategy and organisational development (the establishment of the viable national entity), the development and implementation of the STAR-Ghana GESI Strategy (‘putting gender equality and social inclusion at the heart of STAR-Ghana’), and design/facilitation of STAR-Ghana’s community of practice and learning.