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Propcom+ aims to support the transformation of Nigeria’s rural economy by addressing environmental, social, and economic challenges in the country’s food and land-use system. Propcom+ works with a diverse range of private sector partners to achieve these objectives. Social Development Direct has provided technical support to the programme by developing a safeguarding accountability framework, policy, and code of conduct, as well as a risk mapping exercise to guide consortium partners and stakeholders. This programme is in its third year of delivery, and the lessons learned will inform further development of the safeguarding approach in subsequent years.
photo of a woman in a rural field

What is Propcom+? 

Propcom+ is an eight-year (2023-2030), rural and agricultural market development programme supporting climate-resilient and sustainable agriculture that benefits people, climate and nature. The programme aims to enhance the income and climate resilience of 3.79 million Nigerians by addressing the key barriers to sustainable agricultural development to increase productivity, enhance resilience to climate change, pursue lower emissions, improve access to nutritious diets, as well as helping tackle some of Nigeria’s underlying drivers of conflict. 50% of the project benefits are aimed for women.  

Our Work in this Area 

SDDirect has been contracted to ensure GESI is at the heart of programming, aiming for 50% of project benefits to women as well as supporting people with disabilities, youth and internally displaced people. Support encompasses strategy development, GESI integration into analytical studies, data driven GESI analysis, and incorporating GESI into the design of interventions and workplans, as well as scoping of GESI-targeted interventions.

Collaboration and Impact 

It is essential that Propcom+ works through private sector partners to realise its ambitious aims. Some partners are “GESI specific”, such as women’s rights organisations, but most do not have inclusion as their main business objective. Propcom+ is supporting these partners through tailored strategies that combine business success with women’s inclusion, and providing ongoing engagement and support.  



Staff working on this project