SDDirect is part of a multidisciplinary consortia delivering the Global Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (GMEL) service for the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF). GMEL support the Joint Funds Unit (JFU) to develop and implement monitoring evaluation and learning (MEL) systems and processes that meet the demands of programming in fragile and conflict affected contexts and generates and synthesises evidence for policy and decision-making.
We lead on the meaningful integration of Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) across GMEL interventions aimed to strengthen the CSSF fund-wide MEL ecosystem, applying a feminist leadership and participatory approach to co-develop and deliver:
Minimum standards for GESI in MEL– across results frameworks, theories of change, reporting, reviews and evaluations
A GESI marker to monitor the fund compliance with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC) gender equality policy marker and support projects to meaningfully mainstream GESI into their projects and MEL
Guidance and principles for incorporating GESI in Theories of Change and Results Frameworks
Guidance to conduct intersectional gender analysis in conflict affected settings
Safeguarding and GESI principles for CSSF evaluations
Principles for addressing gender and social bias in data analytics
GESI aware fund level outcomes and evidence questions
Fund wide GESI peer exchange that provides space for CSSF staff to discuss and share learning on how to better monitor contributions to GESI and how to practice participatory and safe MEL.
In addition to leading work on GESI mainstreaming, SDDirect provides technical expertise in the space of women peace and security (WPS). Working in collaboration with our MEL technical partners in the ongoing development and delivery of:
A blended learning course on MEL for WPS, that explores how to monitor and evaluate WPS programming and contributions to WPS
A fund-level WPS Theory of Change
WPS fund level outcome and evidence questions
A WPS a gender strategy
A WPS thematic evaluation