SDDirect provide technical assistance to the European Investment Bank (EIB) supporting them realise their aspirations on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment through sector operations in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Working closely with the Environment, Climate and Social Office (ESCO), SDDirect produced seven sector-specific, gender resource packs in:
- Agriculture and rural development
- Digital inclusion
- Energy
- Health and education
- Transport
- Urban development
- Water management
The guidance is designed for both specialist and non-specialist staff working on investments and covers sector trends (global and regional), the business case for gender and practical tools, case studies and guidance on integrating gender considerations across the project cycle to increase the positive social impact of EIB investments through sector specific gender equality and women’s economic empowerment interventions.
The sector gender resource packs were designed to contribute to the objectives of EIB’s gender action plan and apply the EIB Gender Tag to track and deliver investments that contribute to the European Commission (EC) target that 85% of all new external actions contribute to gender equality by 2025.
SDDirect provide additional support and guidance to EIB through our innovative helpdesk model which identifies and responds to requests from EIB project teams, as well as clients in-country, providing more tailored technical support on gender equality and women’s economic opportunities in specific projects.
The Helpdesk has been designed to support EIB realise positive gender impacts and move beyond compliance and due diligence, to enhance positive social outcomes and impacts of infrastructure investments and institutional strengthening in gender mainstreaming.
SDDirect is working closely with EIB on identifying efficient systems to capture lesson learning with feedback loops to EIB teams, to share good practice and inform future approaches and guidance on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment. SDDirect’s gender equality and social inclusion advice aligns closely with EIB’s three strategic gender and social inclusion pillars: to protect, impact and invest, part of the bank’s broader commitment to its sustainability and climate ambitions.