European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and CDC Group Plc jointly commissioned SDDirect to develop guidance for the private sector on addressing gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH). The Good Practice Note (GPN) provides the private sector with guidance on identifying, mitigating and remedying GBVH risks. It will serve as a comprehensive resource for two main audiences: investors and companies. The GPN provides practical guidance on how to better prevent and respond to GBVH. The GPN draws on examples of good and promising practice which support proactive approaches that seek to add value and deliver enhanced impact through investments.
The team also produced a number of capacity development tools and resources to support European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and International Finance Corporation staff, plus staff from the companies and investors with whom they work to be able to understand, assess and address GBV risks in their projects/ investments. For example, our team produced three mini-fiches on addressing GBVH risks in three key sectors - transport, infrastructure and manufacturing. The team also conducted a webinar to officially launch the GPN in September 2020 to promote its use with companies and investors.