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Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Social Development Direct is a leading supplier of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) grounded in feminist principles. We combine our expertise across all dimensions of MEL with Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) expertise. We integrate a feminist approach to MEL in our offer across all our thematic portfolios to contribute to a gendered evidence base.

Four men and one woman sitting at a long conference table.

What is Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning?


The field of monitoring, evaluation, and learning relate (MEL) includes: data-gathering and analysis activities to monitor and strengthen the performance of development programmes; process evaluations to determine whether programme activities have been implemented as planned with the intended results; review and assessment of  programmes impact; and harvesting of lessons, learning and innovations to enable adaptive programming and influence a wider community of development practice.

A group of four co-workers from different ethnic backgrounds sitting in a circle discussing.

SDDirect's approach


SDDirect’s MEL Unit uses data to monitor, evaluate and learn within the programmes we help to implement; to advise on appropriate MEL tools and methodology to measure progress against GESI strategies and objectives; and to assess the impact of programmes implemented by other stakeholders. We support our clients to take GESI- and MEL-informed decisions about programmes, striving to elevate and amplify the voices of those intended to benefit from development initiatives. We do this by:

  • Developing and implementing inclusive and participatory MEL systems (designing inclusive MEL frameworks, and inputting to results frameworks).

  • Leading research, reviews and evaluations employing participatory approaches and methods. 

  • Developing effective safeguarding and ethical approaches to MEL activities.

  • Producing accessible learning and evidence products for diverse audiences. 

Our MEL work is rooted in co-creation and co-ownership, putting our localisation and inclusion principles into practice by working with locally based experts and engaging people with lived experience of the development issues at stake, as well as their representative organisations.

Our work in this area


We deliver MEL work based on rigorous social, gender and inclusion analysis to measure transformational outcomes such as empowerment, accountability, institutional change, collective action, enhanced social capital and greater inclusion. We develop and deliver safe, ethical MEL frameworks for complex programmes. We carry out qualitative or mixed-methods evaluations (in local, multi-country or global settings) and provide design, facilitation and technical support to inclusive learning partnerships and platforms.

Our team of in-house experts, in collaboration with our global network of Associates and specialist advisors, provides expertise in inclusive,  participatory MEL approaches and methodologies across SDDirect’s thematic areas of focus. Our approach is grounded in feminist principles and intersectional analysis. We collaborate with clients and partners to co-create bespoke approaches, selecting the right mix of methodologies to respond to specific needs and context, in line with key MEL objectives and questions. Our work is used to inform decision-making by a range of clients (multilateral organisations, donor agencies, governments, foundations, and civil society organisations) on issues relating to policy, programme design and implementation, levels of investment and performance management. 

“The evaluation was very professionally carried out from start to finish. SDD assembled a very strong team – responsive and receptive to feedback, able to deliver high-quality products within agreed timelines and very pleasant to work with.”

If you would like to hear more about our work on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL), please reach out to Alix, Head of the MEL portfolio,

Madhya Pradesh Impact Evaluation of the Safe Cities Initiative

Unlike most other VAWG initatives, the programme aimed to tackle both intimate partner violence (IPV) as well as violence experienced by women and girls in public spaces. The programme sought to do so through targeted interventions with women's self-help groups (SHGs) and work with men and boys. This was a complex evaluation into highly sensitive issues and as such, it needed a highly specialist team of VAWG and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) experts.

Our team developed an evaluation design with two integrated components:

Lucia Solda

Lucia is a Technical Specialist in Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning (MEL) and Research. In this role, she contributes to the delivery of a range of cross-cutting gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) related MEL and research projects across SDDirect’s portfolios.

Joint Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on Aids on preventing and responding to violence against women and girls

Assessing the Joint Programme's accountability to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and address the bi-directional nature of VAWG and HIV (where VAWG can be an indirect/direct factor for increased HIV risk, and HIV status and disclosure can lead to violence).

Towards more inclusive and feminist approaches in evaluation of HIV programming - transforming principles into practice

In 2020, Social Development Direct was contracted by UNAIDS Evaluation Office to conduct an evaluation of the Joint Programme’s work on addressing the linkages between HIV and VAWG – where violence can be an indirect and direct factor for increased HIV risk for women and girls, and violence can be an outcome of HIV status and disclosure.  Coinciding with the launch of the evaluation report, this learning brief shares reflections on how the evaluation took steps to