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Gender-Based Violence

Prevention and Response


SDDirect is a prominent global leader in gender-based violence (GBV) programming, policy, and research, anchored in feminist principles. We partner with diverse groups and stakeholders, offering technical support, training, and accompaniment throughout programme and investment lifecycles.

We recognise the importance of integrating gender-based violence prevention and response across other aspects of our work as an accelerator for achieving gender equality.  

A group of women's hands touching at the fingertips in a circle.

Graphic of an outline of three woman with two women in dark blue and one in light blue.

1/3 women and girls endure physical or sexual violence, with heightened risk for those facing discrimination based on factors like poverty, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and HIV status. 

Violence against women and girls is a significant human rights and public health issue rooted in power imbalances. Its costs, both social and economic, are immense, lasting generations.  


Prevention is possible through an intersectional, evidence-based, and practice-oriented approach addressing the underlying causes. 

Woman holding up a sign at a protest stating "Put a stop to this violence".

Our GBV prevention & response work 

Prevention and response: Holistic programming to end VAWG in various settings with an emphasis on primary prevention accompanied by response.   

GBV in emergencies: GBV prevention and response in humanitarian programming with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

School related GBV: Prevention and response in education spaces, with a focus on gendered and intersectional analysis. 

Violence against LGBTQI+ communities: Prevention and response with a focus on intersectional analysis, research and evaluation. 

Technology facilitated GBV: Prevention and response with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

We envision a world free from all forms of gender-based violence, where all women, girls and gender diverse people can realise their rights and exercise choice and agency. 

Our areas of expertise


Helpdesk services; programme leadership; technical assistance, accompaniment and training; knowledge products and guidance material; policy and programme guidance; specialist research, monitoring and evaluation on GBV.

We take a  feminist intersectional approach to our work on GBV, recognising how gender inequality intersects with other systems of oppression, discrimination and structural inequalities, including (but not limited to) those related to race, ethnicity, class, cast, homo and transphobia, ableism, ageism, nationality, immigration status, refugee and asylum seeker status, and health status. 

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

مستند الإرشادات: أهم النصائح لإجراء حملات التوعية حول العنف القائم على النوع

تعد حملات التوعية مهمة لأنها تساهم في زيادة الوعي بالعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي باعتباره انتهاكاً لحقوق الإنسان الذي يؤثر على المجتمع ككل (هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة، 2021 3). فعلى مر السنين، ساعدت حملات التوعية في حشد الدعم والتأثير على التغيير في الأطر التشريعية والسياسات الدولية والوطنية، فضلاً عن الحفاظ على برامج منع العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي والاستجابة له لدعم الناجيات.

مراجع مف ّصلة حول إشراك الفتيان ليصبحوا حلفاء في الوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي

يعتبر إشراك الفتيان )حتى سن الثامنة عشرة( في الوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي مزيد من االستكشاف. وتقدم هذه المراجع المشروحة نظرة عامة على المؤلفات والتقييمات وأمثلة البرامج المتعلقة بإشراك الفتيان في برامج الوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي، مع التركيز على السياقات ذات الدخل المرتفع، والمتوسط، والسياقات اإلنسانية –– وذلك ا وفق للمعرفة المتوفرة.

Bibliographie annotée sur l’engagement des garçons à devenir des alliés dans la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre

L'engagement des garçons (jusqu'à l'âge de 18 ans) est un domaine essentiel mais sous-exploré de la prévention de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG) dans les situations d'urgence. Cette bibliographie annotée donne un aperçu de la littérature, des évaluations et des exemples de programmes pertinents visant à engager les garçons dans la programmation de prévention de la violence basée sur le genre, en mettant l'accent sur les milieux à revenu élevé et intermédiaire et, dans la mesure où les connaissances existent, sur les contextes humanitaires.

Bibliografía comentada sobre involucrar a niños como aliados en la prevención de la violencia basada en género

La participación de niños (hasta los 18 años) es una misión fundamental, aunque poco explorada, de la prevención de la violencia basada en el género en contextos de emergencia. Esta bibliografía comentada ofrece una descripción general de literatura relevante, evaluaciones y ejemplos programáticos para motivar a los niños en los programas de prevención de la violencia basada en el género, centrándose en entornos de ingresos altos y medios y, en la medida en que existan documentos, en contextos humanitarios.

Finding Ways and Means to Deliver Gender-based Violence Programming in Hostile Environments

This learning brief discusses a range of strategies and methods humanitarian actors can use to support and sustain GBV response and prevention programming in hostile contexts. It outlines what ‘hostile contexts’ refers to in this paper, and why it is important for GBV program managers and service providers to be able to identify and adapt to rapid or incremental increases in hostility in humanitarian environments, which are likely to adversely impact the implementation of GBV prevention and response programming.

Investing in girls’ rights, their leadership and wellbeing

Young and adolescent girls understand their needs best – whether they are survivors of violence, child, early & forced marriage or female genital mutilation/cutting; in or out of school; living with a disability; pregnant or young mothers; from a low-income background; from minority groups; refugees or migrants; experiencing puberty; living with HIV; and/or facing threats due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Ficha de consejos: Consejos para Ejecutar Campañas de Sensibilización sobre la Violencia basada en el género

Las campañas de sensibilización son importantes porque contribuyen a aumentar la sensibilización sobre la violencia basada en el género (VBG) como una violación de los derechos humanos que afecta a la sociedad en su conjunto. Esta hoja de consejos detalla los diferentes tipos de campañas de concienciación sobre la VBG y lo que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de planificarlas, ejecutarlas y supervisarlas.

Fiche de conseils : Les meilleurs conseils pour mener une campagne de sensibilisation sur les VBG

Les campagnes de sensibilisation sont importantes car elles contribuent à renforcer la prise de conscience de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG) comme étant une violation des droits humains qui touche la société dans son ensemble. Cette fiche de conseils détaille les différents types de campagnes de sensibilisation et les éléments à prendre en compte lors de la planification, de la mise en œuvre et du suivi de ces campagnes.