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Gender-Based Violence

Prevention and Response


SDDirect is a prominent global leader in gender-based violence (GBV) programming, policy, and research, anchored in feminist principles. We partner with diverse groups and stakeholders, offering technical support, training, and accompaniment throughout programme and investment lifecycles.

We recognise the importance of integrating gender-based violence prevention and response across other aspects of our work as an accelerator for achieving gender equality.  

A group of women's hands touching at the fingertips in a circle.

Graphic of an outline of three woman with two women in dark blue and one in light blue.

1/3 women and girls endure physical or sexual violence, with heightened risk for those facing discrimination based on factors like poverty, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and HIV status. 

Violence against women and girls is a significant human rights and public health issue rooted in power imbalances. Its costs, both social and economic, are immense, lasting generations.  


Prevention is possible through an intersectional, evidence-based, and practice-oriented approach addressing the underlying causes. 

Woman holding up a sign at a protest stating "Put a stop to this violence".

Our GBV prevention & response work 

Prevention and response: Holistic programming to end VAWG in various settings with an emphasis on primary prevention accompanied by response.   

GBV in emergencies: GBV prevention and response in humanitarian programming with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

School related GBV: Prevention and response in education spaces, with a focus on gendered and intersectional analysis. 

Violence against LGBTQI+ communities: Prevention and response with a focus on intersectional analysis, research and evaluation. 

Technology facilitated GBV: Prevention and response with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

We envision a world free from all forms of gender-based violence, where all women, girls and gender diverse people can realise their rights and exercise choice and agency. 

Our areas of expertise


Helpdesk services; programme leadership; technical assistance, accompaniment and training; knowledge products and guidance material; policy and programme guidance; specialist research, monitoring and evaluation on GBV.

We take a  feminist intersectional approach to our work on GBV, recognising how gender inequality intersects with other systems of oppression, discrimination and structural inequalities, including (but not limited to) those related to race, ethnicity, class, cast, homo and transphobia, ableism, ageism, nationality, immigration status, refugee and asylum seeker status, and health status. 

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

Technology- Facilitated Gender- Based Violence: Preliminary Landscape Analysis

This report examines technology-facilitated gender-based violence, highlighting the impacts of online violence towards women and girls in their interaction with social and political spaces, as well as the impacts towards their physical and mental health. With emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, we are seeing a greater digital divide between genders and an increase in the weaponisation of technology against women and girls. 

여성 및 여아에게 안전한 공간 (WGSS)과 원스톱 센터(OSC)의 핵심 기능 및 차이 이해하기

본 자료는 젠더 기반 폭력(GBV) 실무자, 재난상황 시 정신건강 및 심리ㆍ사회적 지원(MHPSS) 및 보건 전문가뿐만 아니라 인도적 지원 환경에서 활동하는 정책 입안자들에게 여성 및 여아에게 안전한 공간(WGSS)과 원스톱 센터(OSC)의 차이를 이해할 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 개발되었다. 본 자료에는 각 서비스 유형의 주요 특성 및 이점 소개, 사업 계획 및 실행 단계에서 해결해야 할 각 서비스의 잠재적 한계에 대한 설명 등 다양한 도구와 지침이 수록되어 있다. 본 자료는 주어진 환경에서 젠더 기반 폭력 생존자를 위한 포괄적인 관리를 보장하는 방법을 고려할 때 참조할 수 있는 유용한 자료이며, 이는 원스톱 센터와 같은 하나의 서비스 유형이 다른 서비스보다 더 대우받지 않도록 보장하고 여성과 소녀들이 젠더 기반 폭력 경험 시 안전과 보호에 접근할 수 있는 장소와 시기를 선택할 수 있도록 옹호하는 데 도움이 된다. 따라서 OSC는 WGSS를 대체하지 않고, 서로 보완적인 역할을 수행해야 함을 본 자료는 강조한다.

مذكرة إرشادية موجزة: تحليل المخاطر لتعزيز التنفيذ الآمن لبرامج الاستجابة والوقاية من العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي

يقدم هذا الدليل أولاً مناقشة موجزة لتحليلات المخاطر لبرمجة الاستجابة والوقاية، ثم يقدم عينات من قوائم المراجعة للمكونات الرئيسية للتحليلات. وتختتم الوثيقة بقائمة من الموارد التكميلية لمزيد من المعلومات وتصميم تحليلات المخاطر وتنفيذها.

Brève note d'orientation : Analyse des risques pour promouvoir une mise en œuvre sûre des programmes de réponse et de prévention de la VBG

Cette orientation fournit d'abord une brève discussion des analyses de risque pour les programmes d'intervention et de prévention, puis fournit des exemples de listes de contrôle des éléments essentiels des analyses. Le document se termine par une liste de ressources supplémentaires visant à éclairer davantage la conception et la mise en œuvre des analyses de risques.

Breve nota orientativa: Análisis de riesgo para promover la implementación segura de la programación sobre la respuesta y prevención de la violencia basada en el género

Esta guía brinda primero un breve debate sobre los análisis de riesgo para la programación de la respuesta y la prevención, y después facilita ejemplos de listas de verificación que incluyen los principales elementos de los análisis. El documento termina con una lista de recursos suplementarios para proveer mayor información sobre el diseño y la implementación de los análisis de riesgo.

فهم الوظائف األساسية للمساحة اآلمنة للنساء والفتيات ومراكز الخدمة الشاملة واالختالفات الرئيسية بينها:

وُضع هذا المورد لمساعدة الممارسات في مجال العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، ومتخصصين الصحة العقلية والدعم النفسي الاجتماعي، ومتخصصين الصحة، وكذلك صانعي السياسات العاملين في السياقات الإنسانية لفهم الاختلافات بين المساحات الآمنة للنساء والفتيات ومراكز الخدمة الشاملة. واستناداً إلى الأدوات والتوجيهات الرئيسية، يحدد هذا المورد الخصائص الرئيسية لكل نوع من أنواع الخدمة، ومنافعها، وبعض القيود المحتملة المفروضة على كل خدمة التي يجب التعامل معها كجزء من مرحلتي التصميم والتنفيذ.

Comprendiendo las Funciones Centrales y las Diferencias entre los Espacios Seguros para Mujeres y Niñas y los Centros de Atención Integral

Este recurso se ha desarrollado para ayudar a las profesionales de la violencia basada en el género (VBG), a las especialistas en salud mental, apoyo psicosocial y en salud, así como a los formuladores de políticas que operan en entornos humanitarios a comprender las diferencias entre los Espacios Seguros para las Mujeres y las Niñas y los Centros de Atención Integral (CAI).

Comprendre les fonctions essentielles et les différences entre les espaces sûrs pour les femmes et les filles et les centres polyvalentes

Cette ressource a été développée pour aider les praticiennes de la violence basée sur le genre (VBG), les spécialistes de la SMSPS et de la santé, ainsi que les dé politiques opérant dans des contextes humanitaires à comprendre les différences entre les espaces sûrs pour les femmes et les filles et les centres polyvalentes.

Violence against LGBTQI+ people – A hidden pandemic

Navigating the threat of violence and discrimination is part of queer people’s everyday reality – it is there when and where you choose to reach after someone’s hand, in how you answer questions about your personal life, and in how you choose to express your identity in the world. For many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex people (LGBTQI+) people, making these choices are not even a possibility.

Improving Justice Systems for GBV Survivors through Survivor-Centered Processes

This learning brief summarizes promising practices in applying a survivor-centered approach to judicial processes within a multi- sectoral service delivery model for GBV response. The brief first describes what a multi-sectoral service delivery model entails, and then provides an overview of key elements of a justice sector response to GBV. It moves on to explain what the survivor-centered approach entails, offering practical examples for implementing this approach in judicial processes. The learning brief concludes with a list of additional resources.