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Gender-Based Violence

Prevention and Response


SDDirect is a prominent global leader in gender-based violence (GBV) programming, policy, and research, anchored in feminist principles. We partner with diverse groups and stakeholders, offering technical support, training, and accompaniment throughout programme and investment lifecycles.

We recognise the importance of integrating gender-based violence prevention and response across other aspects of our work as an accelerator for achieving gender equality.  

A group of women's hands touching at the fingertips in a circle.

Graphic of an outline of three woman with two women in dark blue and one in light blue.

1/3 women and girls endure physical or sexual violence, with heightened risk for those facing discrimination based on factors like poverty, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and HIV status. 

Violence against women and girls is a significant human rights and public health issue rooted in power imbalances. Its costs, both social and economic, are immense, lasting generations.  


Prevention is possible through an intersectional, evidence-based, and practice-oriented approach addressing the underlying causes. 

Woman holding up a sign at a protest stating "Put a stop to this violence".

Our GBV prevention & response work 

Prevention and response: Holistic programming to end VAWG in various settings with an emphasis on primary prevention accompanied by response.   

GBV in emergencies: GBV prevention and response in humanitarian programming with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

School related GBV: Prevention and response in education spaces, with a focus on gendered and intersectional analysis. 

Violence against LGBTQI+ communities: Prevention and response with a focus on intersectional analysis, research and evaluation. 

Technology facilitated GBV: Prevention and response with a focus on policy, guidance, capacity strengthening and research and evaluation.   

We envision a world free from all forms of gender-based violence, where all women, girls and gender diverse people can realise their rights and exercise choice and agency. 

Our areas of expertise


Helpdesk services; programme leadership; technical assistance, accompaniment and training; knowledge products and guidance material; policy and programme guidance; specialist research, monitoring and evaluation on GBV.

We take a  feminist intersectional approach to our work on GBV, recognising how gender inequality intersects with other systems of oppression, discrimination and structural inequalities, including (but not limited to) those related to race, ethnicity, class, cast, homo and transphobia, ableism, ageism, nationality, immigration status, refugee and asylum seeker status, and health status. 

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

نُهُج نسوية للرعاية المتخصصة بالصحة النفسية للناجيات من العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي

يقدم هذا الموجز التعليمي لمحة عامة أولية عن المبادئ والنُهُج الأساسية لمعالجة الصحة النفسية للناجيات من العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، استناداً إلى النُهُج النسوية،لا سيما الناجيات من العنف الجنسي اللاتي يعانين من أعراض اضطراب ما بعد الصدمة أو غيره من حالات الصحة النفسية التي لا يمكن حلها من خلال إدارة الحالةالأكثر عمومية لحالات العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، وأو الدعم النفسي الاجتماعي.

Resumen de aprendizaje número 2: Estrategias y acciones para prevenir y responder a la violencia basada en el género facilitada por la tecnología

La resumen de aprendizaje número 2 en la serie3 ofrece una visión general de las prometedoras estrategias que actualmente se están utilizando en diferentes partes del mundo para prevenir y responder a la VBGFT y resalta algunos ejemplos y recursos clave. También sugiere cinco acciones prioritarias para que los profesionales y especialistas en VBG puedan fortalecer la respuesta a la VBGFT, y cinco acciones prioritarias para aumentar la mitigación y la prevención de la VBGFT

Enfoques Feministas sobre la Atención Especializada en la Salud Mental para las Sobrevivientes de la Violencia Basada en el Género

Este resumen de aprendizaje proporciona una perspectiva general preliminar de los principios básicos y enfoques para el tratamiento de la salud mental basado en una perspectiva feminista para las sobrevivientes de la violencia basada en el género (VBG). En particular las sobrevivientes de la violencia sexual que experimentan síntomas de estrés postraumático u otras condiciones de la salud mental, que no puedan resolverse a través de una gestión más generalizada de casos de violencia basada en el género y/o apoyo psicosocial.

Considerations for GBV service providers when requested to provide GBV case management - to women and girls experiencing IPV - in a detention or prison setting

This guidance note has been generated in response to a request for practical guidance to GBV caseworkers in the Latin America region who have been asked to support women in detention settings and prisons who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) and who continue to be at risk of intimate partner violence whilst in detention/prison and upon release from detention/prison. This publication is likely, however, to have wider benefit to GBV caseworkers working in other humanitarian settings.

Risks of Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence to Publicly Visible Women

This learning brief focuses on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV) affecting publicly visible women in humanitarian and emergency contexts. The learning brief begins with an overview of TFGBV prevalence, then focuses on risk groups of publicly visible women and how TFGBV impacts them, including women parliamentarians and politicians, journalists, women human rights defenders and activists. It moves on to provide examples of good practice in working with these different groups of publicly visible women to prevent and respond to their particular risks of TFGBV.

The Importance of Donor Support for Gender-based Violence Programming in Emergencies, Even in the Absence of Prevalence Data

This learning brief is meant to serve as a tool for donors and GBV programmers alike, to support discussions around what we know already know about the scope of GBV in humanitarian settings; why collecting GBV prevalence data is not a priority in humanitarian settings; and which data sources donors and practitioners can safely rely on to inform decision-making on GBV programming.

Cambio Climático y Violencia basada en el género: ¿Cuáles son sus vínculos?

Este resumen de aprendizaje es parte de una serie de productos de conocimiento elaborados por el servicio de ayuda técnica del Área de Responsabilidad de la violencia basada en el género (AoR de VBG). Las colegas del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA) han colaborado en el desarrollo y finalización del contenido.

Approches féministes des soins de santé mentale spécialisés pour les survivantes de la violence basée sur le genre

Cette note d'apprentissage fournit un aperçu préliminaire des principes et approches de base du traitement de santé mentale éclairé par les féministes pour les survivantes de violence basée sur le genre (VBG), en particulier les survivantes de violence sexuelle qui présentent des symptômes de stress post-traumatique ou d'autres problèmes de santé mentale qui ne peuvent pas être résolus par une gestion de cas plus généralisée de VBG et / ou un soutien psychosocial.

استعلام بحثي: أهمية دعم الجهات المانحة لبرامج العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في حالات الطوارئ حتى في حال غياب البيانات المتعلقة بمدى انتشاره

يهدف هذا الموجز التعليمي إلى أن يقوم مقام أداة للجهات المانحة ومعُدّات البرامج المتعلقة بالعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي على حد سواء، بهدف دعم المناقشات حول ما نعرفه حاليًا عن نطاق العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في الأوضاع الإنسانية؛ ولماذا لا يمثل جمع بيانات انتشار العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي أولوية في الأوضاع الإنسانية وكذلك مصادر البيانات التي يمكن للجهات المانحة والممارِسات الاعتماد عليها بأمان لإثراء عملية اتخاذ القرار بشأن برامج العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي.